Casey Stengel & Casey Stengel II - 1940's-60's HoF Manager


Micromanager CASEY STENGEL is an historic or imitation manager designed to handle the New York franchises from the late 1940s up through the early 1960s. This version is for AIM replays only. Stengel is not designed for draft league rosters but this version (7/2014) should be better suited for such games.

STENGEL is programmed to mimic or imitate the general style of the historic manager who guided the Yankees during that period. This includes heavy emphasis on platoon advantages, especially offensively, aggressive pinchhitting where platoon advantages/disadvantages occur, and a mix of bullpen usage including the use of one primary closer for a number of years but a bullpen by committee approach for other years.

Casey Stengel II is the non AIM version