Chuck Mathews - 1980's Manager

Chuck Mathews is a companion manager to Joe Gardner and is designed to handle replays
for the 1980s, he is probably best for the latter half of that period.

A snapshot of Mathews will show:

1) Pitching changes that are designed to handle a variety of approaches that dominated
the era. Viz.: the use of long closers, early (7th inning) in save situations; the use
of "semi-long" closers in the 8th inning, and the use of setup relievers for ninth
inning only closers, a practice which dominates today. Additionally, Mathews is often
willing to use multiple closers (generally relievers with 10+ saves) in close games.
For example, if one closer is struggling or his team is batting with a threat situation
occurring, he will PH for that closer to bring in a fresh one. He will, however, stick
with a closer slightly longer than Joe Gardner. But not if the lead will be lost.

2) Mathews will occasionally use starters in relief but is usually limiting this to
situations where the team's bullpen is thin or overworked or if a starter pitched in a
dual role and had a high number of relief appearances (say 10+). He will, however,
prevent the last available pitcher who can start from being used (except in emergencies).
This is to keep at least one potential starter for the next day's game. So, you do NOT
need to bench a team's rotation.

3) Mathews, was was done during the period, will PH, PR or sub defensively for star
players in lopsided games, preferring to use, in particular, itchy players as
replacements. Additionally, he will pull starters in such one-sided games if his team's
bullpen is healthy. This strategy will be most noticeable if the team's bench has several
itchy players, the game is out of hand, or any of the star players in the lineup are not
in a fully rested AIM setting/status.

4) Reluctant to use resting star players, Mathews will, however gamble with these quality
athletes if the game is on the line. This is usually limited to having them PH late (9th
onward) with the game on the line.

5) Running/Small ball: Mathews is generally conservative with the reins early, especially
if his team grabs the lead. However, late in tie games, he is especially reluctant to run
if his team's "big guns" are at bat or he's behind. His approach with the H&R is similar.
Moving runners with the bunt, meanwhile, usually occurs early only against top flight
pitchers and in middle or late innings only if behind or against quality pitchers and/or
catchers. Overall then, Mathews is more of a big inning manager than a small ball/one run
inning manager.

*NOTE: Mathews cannot handle the strike-shortened 1981 season.