Whitey Herzog - Famed 70's & 80's Manager

Herzog is an non-AIM team-specific or historic manager designed to handle both the Junior Circuit Kansas City teams from 1976-79 and also the 1982-1989 Senior Circuit St. Louis ballclubs (he cannot manage the strike-shortened 1981 season). He is not designed for, nor should be assigned, to manage any other team or seasons than those. This includes historic or all-star K.C. or St. Louis clubs as well. Using him for other seasons is strongly not recommended.

Among the strategies and approaches to the game that Herzog takes that should be noted include:

1) A very aggressive baserunning style, especially at home and also when ahead. This includes taking the extra base on base hits and giving the green light to basestealers especially when ahead. This style will be true whether he is guiding the K.C. as well as St. Louis franchises.

2) Herzog is programmed to use two fundamentally different pitching approaches depending on whether he is handling the K.C. clubs as opposed to the St. Louis teams. For the former, he tends to use relievers for longer outings in games, letting them pitch 2 to 4+ innings and is less likely to use platoon advantages (i.e., bringing in a lefthander to face a good lefty batter with a high platoon rating) except for critical situations late in close games. However, when guiding the St. Louis clubs, Herzog is much more aggressive in pulling relievers, especially when in trouble late or when the platoon advantage calls for it.

Additionally, with the exception of the 1985 St. Louis team where he will employ a "bullpen by committee" style, Herzog will use one stud closer for almost all save situations. Meanwhile, the opposite approach will be taken with K.C. except for the 1978 season where one stud closer will be used. For the other years, a similar "commitee" approach will be used in save situations.

3) Herzog does have a blowout substitution strategy for his star players. This will include subbing for them defensively or offensively (pinchhiting or pinchrunning). Similarly, he will pull starting pitchers quite early in secure games, especially if a number of "itchy" relievers need work. Herzog prefers, as well, to  use "itchy" regulars in such games.
4) Many of the starting durability (or QS) ratings for pitchers are adjusted by Herzog. Those pitchers with high innings pitched (and low QS ratings) BUT low complete games are given higher QS ratings as they continue through the seventh inning. It is strongly suggested that you stay with either the import QS ratings created through Advance Draft or those ratings given on season disks. Adjusting them otherwise may skew your replays.